Operation Hot Sauce…

Hey guys!

Someone has stolen a giant hot sauce bottle from the pizza parlor.


With that said, heres the guide for Operation Hot Sauce!

*A video guide is coming to youtube, just needs to be encoded!

To aid you in this task, Cp has equiped you with a new spy phone!

First, go to the Hq. Click on the tv and accept your mission! Then go to the pizza parlor and talk to JetPackGuy. He will say scan the area for clues. Click on the piece of fur on the chimney. To the left side of the chimney, there will be a puddle of hot sauce. Click on it. You now have both the evidence! Good job, Agent!

Now go back to Hq. Go to the lab, which now has a bowl on the table. Open the resource-case at the top right of the screen, and drag the two evidence into the bowl. Then a scanner will appear, click on it and recieve it. Now go to the pizza parlor.

Gary will give you a message. Then open your spy phone and click on gadgets. Click on the switch and it should say on. Now a giant green ring will surround your penguin, revealing footprints. Follow them.

This footprint track will lead you to the beach. When you reach there, keep following the tracks and the scanner will reveal a giant foot switch. Stand on it, and a giant door will appear! Walk into it to start a mini-game.


Just shoot the bottom ice piece. Then keep on rapidly shooting the bottom piece to unlock the door. Go inside.

Once inside, Herbert does not notice you. He starts telling a little of his plan. After hes done talking, click on the top most pizza, and throw it at the flood switch! The place will flood and you will end up in the cove.

Rookie will thank you for returning the pizza’s. Then your spy phone will ring. The director will give you a message. Thats it!

Here are your rewards:-
5 medals, background

You can repeat this mission and keep getting medals! Hone your skills and become the best agent ever! The gadget you recieved in this mission will still be there. Awesome!

Did you like the mission guide? Leave a comment and let us know!

– Pego1245